Monday, December 28, 2009


Today is Monday. Tomorrow is Tuesday. The day after that is DOOMSday! Yes siry bob, TEE results finally come out. After so many weeks of relaxation and forgetting about school, it's all about to come crashing down. The stress has kicked in, and not until today have I started to breathe heavily. So come tomorrow at 11.59PM, I will have a good reason to be on the computer. I will be facebooking!!! I mean waiting for the clock to strike 12. All year, people have been telling me not to stress out, "you should be able to reach a 90 TER". That gave me hope and confidence. My parents on the other hand, "you are doomed, we're expecting something like a 50-60 TER". Thanks mum. And followed by a "you should become a plumber or an electrician, go learn a trade straight away".

No mum, I do not suit that look. To make matters more exciting, my dad will buy me something if I reach 90 and above. I'd like to feel cocky, but in the back of my head it just doesn't feel that way. Come Wednesday, I could either be really happy, or really sad. I hope to win lotto. If not then then the happy will do I guess. I shall do a happy dance:

On another note, I have been rather addicted to band hero. In no time I shall be a pro and flaunt my stuff in Timezone and at sad parties. Another addiction is Dragonball Kai. Pretty much Dragonball Z all over again but without pointless filler. Half the time, all the memories. Although after catching up on the past 34 episodes, I must wait week by week for each episode now. Sucks being on time.

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