Sunday, January 24, 2010


In this past week and a half I've been thinking about my next blog, and yes I still remember what I am going to talk about. Australia Day is tomorrow, and I don't know what it is, but can me Un-Australian! Ok I am grateful to be living in a good country with good health and educational services, but there are just certain people who absolutely piss me off. Also, for some weird reason, patriotic people piss me off too. The obsessive use of the flag is just so annoying to see around everywhere. While watching TV, there's this advertisement speaking of the importance of celebrating Australia day....

Well you know what, I spit on your lamington drives and screw Kylie! I salute the guy on the couch and give that bastard a punch in the face! Australia day is just another excuse for people to get off work and get drunk and start shit on people who aren't deemed "Australian". Screw Australia Day, its the day your bloody convicts came to Australia, that's what you're celebrating! The arrival of rejects into a country which was already inhabited with people. And what became of this, the evolution of bogans...