Sunday, February 7, 2010

I have pushed back updating my blog one too many days. It's been so long that I almost forgot what the URL was. And also, no surprise, I have forgotten nearly everything I wanted to blog about. Well, this is a start at least.

First of all, I want to apologise to Australia. My previous post may have been a bit too harsh, Australia is a pretty good country, and Asians are probably the most racist nationalities anyway. Asians are racist against nearly every other race, even themselves. There's just one difference, we don't really express our racism out loud. I got to admit, I am a pretty subtle racist. In science, I have a picky way of choosing stools. I prefer something short, so I don't get a sore back. So I would search around the whole room for the rare short chair. From there, I seem to discriminate against certain chairs. I don't seem to like the brown ones, instead I pick the grey ones everyone else have.

Oh my gosh, I really have forgotten what to blog about. I shall update more often when ideas pop into my head.

1 comment:

  1. LOL... so that's why you keep searching for stools whenever you have science xD. So picky aren't you? =P
