Tuesday, December 29, 2009

2009, Year of Regret

We've come a long way. 18 years in the making, and to screw it all up at this one point. This year has been filled with many regrets. A year filled with the number 68 haunting all my tests and exams. I now hate the number 68. Always thinking about the future and not about the present, I seem to have derailed from what I hoped to achieve in the future by stuffing up the present. I have let myself down. I hope this is an eye opener for me for the future, so I don't make the same mistake ever again.

Well enough depressing talk, time for a good ol' blog. 09, gone so fast, just like every other year. Only a few years ago did 1999 seem like a not so distant past, and to think about it now... it's been one whole decade! Time has just gone, KAPOOT. Boy will I miss the days of saying OH something...bring on the double digit years! So let's see, what is there to look forward to in 2010. Turning 18 and going clubbing? University? FIFA World Cup? Movies? To be honest, not really looking forward to any of them.

Anyway, it's time for another installment of Jayc Oliver.

Today's menu: Bacon and Mushroom Omlette with Mashed Fotatoes.

Preparing the food to be cooked.

Might I also add, those eggs were cracked with ONE hand, oh how pro I am. That is before I noticed some egg shells landing in there, never mind, nothing a fork cant solve. First step was preparing the bacon, mushroom, tomato and onion mixture. Being the douche that I am, I went to add oil into the pot. What is wrong you might ask, well turns out its a non-stick pot. I might as well just drink the oil. While stir-frying I couldn't help myself but attempt a little toss around. I know you guys want to hear an epic fail and see a picture of all the bacon and tomato everywhere....but I SUCCEEDED!!! The secret is in the flick of the wrist...I think.

After cooking the bacon, mushroom, tomato and onion mixture, I decided to have a Yakult break. Malaysia's Vitagen is actually way better, with their variety of different flavours.

This is one the things I make sure to drink when I go to Malaysia, grape and apple are personal favourites of mine. Next comes the frying of the egg. Once the egg is nearly done, add the mixture to one half the side and sprinkle cheese over it. Being the creative self I am, I added coriander as well, because I am just oh so chef like.

Finally comes the flip, make or break of the omlette. Here it goes.....

Well it wasn't all a success, wasn't much of a fail either. I give it 70%, still a B. Leaving school and yet it still comes and haunts me somehow *shivers*. Well in the end, it didn't turn out so bad after all. I went to mash the potatoes and served on a plate. Although the recipe instructs to serve on plate and eat immediately, I couldn't help myself but to play with my food.

I like the second photo. Well the meal didn't turn out that bad at all. I give it 3 Acdomallii's out of 5.

P.S. Through out the year, I've learnt that my mum has a little school girl crush over Wang Lee Hom.

Monday, December 28, 2009


Today is Monday. Tomorrow is Tuesday. The day after that is DOOMSday! Yes siry bob, TEE results finally come out. After so many weeks of relaxation and forgetting about school, it's all about to come crashing down. The stress has kicked in, and not until today have I started to breathe heavily. So come tomorrow at 11.59PM, I will have a good reason to be on the computer. I will be facebooking!!! I mean waiting for the clock to strike 12. All year, people have been telling me not to stress out, "you should be able to reach a 90 TER". That gave me hope and confidence. My parents on the other hand, "you are doomed, we're expecting something like a 50-60 TER". Thanks mum. And followed by a "you should become a plumber or an electrician, go learn a trade straight away".

No mum, I do not suit that look. To make matters more exciting, my dad will buy me something if I reach 90 and above. I'd like to feel cocky, but in the back of my head it just doesn't feel that way. Come Wednesday, I could either be really happy, or really sad. I hope to win lotto. If not then then the happy will do I guess. I shall do a happy dance:

On another note, I have been rather addicted to band hero. In no time I shall be a pro and flaunt my stuff in Timezone and at sad parties. Another addiction is Dragonball Kai. Pretty much Dragonball Z all over again but without pointless filler. Half the time, all the memories. Although after catching up on the past 34 episodes, I must wait week by week for each episode now. Sucks being on time.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Spirit

Ho Ho Ho Merry Everyone. In the spirit of Christmas, here's a special edition to my blogging. Alright that drained a lot of spirit out of me, that's about all the Christmas you will get out of me. The closest thing to opening presents for me today was opening the Milo tin to get make my Milo. Ever since finishing primary school, there hasn't been much Christmas spirit left in me. It all existed in the life of primary school with the happy colouring in and little last day of school parties. Not to mention all the cartoons and movies that used to be on TV around this time of the year. Oh what a memorable time it was. Well Christmas in Malaysia last year wasn't too bad either. Was quite a surprise how festive it got around that time, I bet half the people there don't even know the meaning of Christmas.

Well my Christmas day has begun with a jog in the morning so far. And what I have learnt, spitting is a pretty hard art to master, especially when becoming more exhausted. Spitting actually takes a lot of effort, trying to get the perfect round shape without leaving behind a trail of spit from the droplet to your mouth. I remember running around UWA one day and my friend catching me spitting on myself. No, I did not intentionally spit on myself, I had lost the strength to actually make a good one, and it came back and hit me in the hand. And take it from me, it is not a good feeling.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Ok, my weekly blog has become more like monthly. When this first started, I was going to be committed to this blog, weekly blogs, but some how I just became lazy like always. Another thing I have become lazy with are my morning jogs. I haven't gone in maybe two weeks now. I remember the first week, my dad woke me up, and my excuse to not go jogging was because of a bad blister on the side of my two feet. Yes, it did hurt some way...but deep down I didn't want to jog either, so I just went back to sleep. Another week I skipped for a reasonable excuse. Seeing as I joined the gym, YES THE GYM!!!, I felt I can do my jogging in the air conditioning rather than outside. And if any of you are wondering, I did jog at the gym, I'm not THAT much of a slacker.

Well nothing much has happened recently, besides work and other random stuff. How ever, something really interesting happened at work one day. A work mate, David, and I had embarked on the creation of a new word:
Acdomallii /Ak-dom-ah-lee *in french accent*/ noun -
1. the special muscle in your body which can tear while wrestling with Thiago Alves or from over straining
2. any object one decides they want it to be
3. a location anywhere one decides they want it to be
Acdomallii verb - the art of doing anything with great awesomeness.
As you can see, it is a rather useful word to use anywhere in one's vocabulary. Me and my friends believe this will be the next 'LOL' and will sweep the world by storm. This word was influenced by the great Georges St. Pierre.

On another note, I don't know whether there is a problem with me and movies, or a problem with other people. I never seem to be satisfied with many movies people make it out to be. I say this following the viewing of "Avatar". Firstly, there were good animations in the mesmerising scenery and attractive colours. Secondly....wait that's it. During the start of the movie, I was just thinking to myself, what makes this movie the blockbuster of the year or some shit like that. After the first glance, I can see the visual aspects were good. After that, I was expecting god twists in the plot. How ever, after seeing such a simplistic plot with corny and predictable lines...I was majorly let down. *spoiler alert* and apart from the scientist dying, no one else died anymore. BLOODY happy and predictable endings. This movie is a reminder of the Transformers franchise. After great expectations from one and two, I was still left disappointed after each movie. So tell me people, is there something wrong with me? Or are people just so easily amused these days. I want a proper action movie! Which leads me to looking forward to an upcoming movie, The Expendables.

I want my 16.50 back...

Saturday, December 12, 2009

I Wet My Pants

Yes it's been a while since I last blogged. I have been so busy lately with my...my...ok I was lazy. This could possibly turn out like my previous blog. Well yesterday morning, while vacuuming and mopping the floor, I had a few ideas to blog about. That however has all vanished from my mind through out the day and now I am back to square one, let's see what I can remember.

Well let's just start with yesterday, yes I did some house chores. While vacuuming and mopping the floor, I thought back to when I used to be little. Back then, I used to always wonder how come my mum would do this once a week all the time. I would think, why bother doing this, our house is clean enough already isn't it? How naive I was, from this past week, I have learnt that it was because of this weekly routine that our house was clean. Once I was done, I walked through the house without any grains of sand sticking to my feet...such a great/clean feeling.

Anyway, while mopping up I got myself pretty wet. What pissed me off how ever is the fact that when I'm done, I walk through the house basking in my good work only to find....more dirt! While taking the mop outside to dry, I seem to have brought in some dead leaves which scattered across the clean floor I had created. What did I do, I grabbed a towel and wiped them up. Screw cleaning it all again, I was tired. On the way back to my computer table, I notice some more dust or hair lying on the floor, by that point I had just given up and let them be.

Well recently I have been watching Glee, or should I say watched Glee, seeing as it has reached a hiatus for 4 months! When it first started I thought it was rather lame, how ever after giving it a chance, I see myself liking it very much. It makes me want to break into song and dance in my every day activity, like when I vacuum the floor.

Might I add, Puck's mowhawk is rather cool...though you guys won't be seeing me sporting one any time soon.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

As Time Goes By

Even though I say I have more time now, I still don't find the time to blog more often. All these thoughts cooped up in my mind, they shall be let out in the wild now.

Well so far on my holidays, my goals don't seem to be progressing so well. I found out that the book I want to read will cost me $40, and I am way too cheap ass to buy that, I shall wait for the paperback cover to come out and then it will be cheaper. My rock star dreams are still not in sight. The furtherest I've gotten is get the torrent to the program which will teach me how to play. I haven't even loaded it up yet, which means it is not yet downloaded. My fitness goals on the other hand are quite optimistic. Played one hour of basketball followed by a 15 minute jog. Sadly to say, I got tired after 10 minutes and had to take a breather...and when I say breather, my mouth was so wide a bird could have flown into it. Another day I did 2 hours of kickboxing with Steph, in which I gave her a bruise...oops. On Saturday I woke up at 6.45AM, yes, people are actually awake at that time. This was a bit more successful as it resulted in a 30 minute trek. Although there was the occasional walks in between, was quite productive. Sadly to say again, I could not keep up with my dad along the way. I shall work my way up one day, and next thing you know, you guys might confuse me with a Kenyan! DAMN this summer sun.

When I got home around 7.30, I decided to watch the old idiot box. It reminded me of the old times back in the days when I would wake up in the morning to watch those children programs. What I've noticed however, either due to my age or deteriorating quality in programs, is how crap they are now. Flicking channels to find shows such as "iCarly" and "Wizards of Waverly Place". And man are they lame as. I sure hope I didn't grow up enjoying shows like that. Might I also add the lame attmept of being contemporary and "cool" by adding the "i" in front of the name. iPathetic.

Today I discovered a new past time, cooking. You know whats as boring as watching paint dry, watching water boil. And whats just as boring as that, water boiling with pasta in it, especially finding out that half the water has evaporated away and the pasta wont cook properly and I wasn't aware of this because of all the bubbles and froth and I had to settle for relatively hard pasta because I couldn't be bothered waiting any longer.

In the spirit of being Italian, I also baked garlic bread and drank something red...RIBENA!!! Anyway, hopefully I will blog some more later. Farewell my dear readers.

Sunday, November 15, 2009


I am now a free man. And I shall be even freer after I get back my results, anyone have any cardboard boxes to give to me? Yes, that is how unconfident I feel about those exams. It was a complete train wreck. But guess what, it's all over now! How ever, that exclamation mark wasn't there right after my last exam. Its rather weird, I did not feel extra happy once it was over, more of a light relieved feeling. I seemed more happy after my Yr 11 semester 1 exams than I did for TEE. There's something wrong with me.

Anyway, now that school is all over, I have plenty of free time on my hands now. What was the first thing I did you ask? Well I cleaned out my table and chucked away all the useless paper that shall never be needed ever again!! And to be environmentally friendly, I recycled them. Rubbish collection comes tomorrow morning, by then, they shall be completely out of my life.

That is a lot of paper isn't it. Such a waste too, I probably only read around one quarter of it, and wrote up one one hundredth of it. My table is all clear now, I can see at least three quarters of it that I never knew existed. With all this free time now, I have made a plan as to what I am going to accomplish during these longs holidays. I shall attempt to learn the guitar. Wake up in the mornings to go jogging. Read my first book since year...god knows when. And what ever else pops into my mind.

I am aware of the fact that she is a girl, but I really want her shirt. Actually, maybe just her in general. But the shirt is a must! Tonight i had Steam Boat at home, got me nice and full.

I discovered that Yam Fish balls are actually quite nice. And I just loveeeee Tom Yum. You may ask who is this gay lover of mine...I will show you a picture.

I can still remember having Tom Yum in the very place is was created, Thailand. Mouth watering, Tom Yum. Sour, warm and spicy. I will hire my own Tom Yum chef one day to cook me Tom Yum , fresh, when ever I want it. Or maybe I can even learn how to make my own Tom Yum. Maybe that can be another holiday project..."take note, hold Thai person hostage"

Monday, November 9, 2009

Bathroom Wars

Well, I share the back bathroom with my sister. Though we don't admit it, we are rather stubborn people. We play this subtle game of chicken within our bathroom. You see, my mother keeps the spare toothpaste in her room, ALL the way at the front of the house. So what happens is, when we reach the final bits of toothpaste left in the tube, we seem to try and get as much out of it as we can, in order to avoid getting the new tube of toothpaste. This game has gone so far to the point my sister even bought a contraption to aid in her victory. So that is how my bathroom works, first one to crack or reach the point where there is no toothpaste at all left, has to go and get the new tube. As you can see, we are reaching the climax point in our game once again.

Anyway, on my skittles update. One week later, and 7/8th's of a bag later, I seem to be reaching my goal of only having red, purple and green skittle left!

As you can see, there are only very few yellow and orange ones left, it is a joyous time to come. Oh yeah, I have exams to update on too. Well I don't really know if I want to update on these, it has been a very depressing and unproductive time.

Might I also add, my next door neighbour's dog is rather scary. As I was turning off the switch to the sprinklers, I hear a loud rushing and suddenly loud barking as he...it scratches against the fence. At this point in time I feel like one of those lame horror movie characters where I stand and wait to see if it actually found a hole or something and is finally coming after me, when i should have simply retreated back into my home. LUCKILY, I am still blogging in one piece. Anyway, I shall be off now to......study.

Monday, November 2, 2009

The Science of Skittles

I just did bad on physics exam, I waited in the 31 degree sun for 50 minutes, I still have 4 more exams, but I feel happy for some reason. I don't know if it's the feeling of being relieved after my first exam...or I'm just going to do real bad on the next 4 exams. But yeah, I feel good at the moment. Physics was supposed to be a good subject for me, the one subject I looked forward to sitting...how oh so wrong I was. NO EXAM IS WORTH LOOKING FORWARD TO!

On the other hand, I bought a bag of skittles for study food. I love skittles. However the yellow ones are crap, followed by the orange ones. Citrus fruits do not belong in lollies. Its red, purple and green all the way. If you eat too much skittles though, you don't feel so well after. Those "fun size" bags are actually quite good, they control your skittles addictions. Having a big bag on the other hand...When i first opened the bag, I ended up eating at least yellow ones for the next 5 minutes, I am the "leave the best till last" type person, so a little pain now will all be good in the end. If only me mentality for skittles applied to studying.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

My Name is Jayc, and I'm a Facebook Addict.

Yes I admitted it. When I first signed up to facebook, it was merely to "scab" photos off friends who uploaded them. A month or two later, I still wans't an "addict". Give it a few more months, the word "addict" was still deniable. However, in recent times of exams and such, I think I can finally admit that I am an addict.

Anyway, speaking of exams, I had begun studying last night. I am quite proud of myself actually...besides the fact I checked facebook after every completed Applic question. But I did turn off my msn for a good period of time while studying, that is quite the accomplishment. Along with my other accomplisments yesterday was making lunch. And no, I did not have another pie, I made a burger. I am quite the chef, adding herbs and spices such as rosemary, parsley, salt and pepper. However, while making patties, it seemed to have fallen apart while frying, but you cant see that anyway. Was a rather satisfying burger =D

And yes, that is a keyboard in the background. I eat in front of the computer, I like to watch stuff while eating, and day time tv sucks...well tv sucks in general these days.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


If I am not blogging for the next few weeks, it is not becuase I will be studying my ass off for exams. It would be because I have stabbed my computer to death!

I downloaded an anti-virus program recently. My computer should function properly now shouldn't it? WRONG. It has become slower than ever. Alt tabbing takes an eternity to load now, and I am ever so impatient. I feel I'll turn out like this after my msn is back up...

Well, graduation was last night and it didnt turn out so bad after all. Seemed to go pretty fast. Despite Rachel Lim pretty much clean sweeping all the subjects that I do...I still managed to salvage an Art & Design award. GO ME! Although the night was pretty emotional, there was still was a way which undid all of it. Mr Salsano's fail attmept at pronouncing my name, if I had known, should have just stuck with Jayc.

Even though this photo is on facebook, I still quite like it and it's worth going on the blog.

And might i say, this year has quite a lot of asians. Though mainly comprised of fobs, it has been an enjoyable year.

Anyway, plenty more to blog about in future, I shall sign off now and save some more material for future posts.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Welcome Ryeeiders

Yes, i have finally made a blog. It may not be flashy now, but when i learn how to use this thing, it shall be bigger than slice bread! Lets hope this blog won't turn out like my previous one, which shall never be spoken of again.
So, i got my graduation tonight, 3 hours of utter boringness. After this, nothing else to look forward to but EXAMS! I just want to punch these exams in the face...

Wow, blogging is quite hard. I cant think of anything to say. Maybe when im happier after the exams, I shall have heaps to talk about. Stay tuned people, this is only the beginning.....time to have lunch and watch desperate housewives now =D

wtfux, my pie exploded from the bottom. Now I have to eat it without a base, pie anoyone??